

Ford P0760

See the basic definition of a diagnostic error. This will help you to clarify the main causes of the fault code. You will understand the program of the control unit
Basic DTC analysis according to OBD2 protocol standard.

OBD2 or On-Board Diagnostics displays messages for basic group styles. More comprehensible code composition has been standard since 2000. The DTC code consists of five characters and its composition will be shown in this video

Insight into programming

The basic unit for the operation of any computer is the bit. Logic 0 and 1 are expressed by a single bit. Diagnostics The error code is composed of 16 bits. The first two bits define one of the four basic circuits. The video will show you a comprehensive overview of the composition of the error report

A diagnostically understandable description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code

Ford P0760

Basic error definition

Nie Komunikácia s SDM (Restraint Module)

Cause of DTC

Key na, a správa od učeného identifikačného čísla nebola detekovaná pre päť sekúnd. Moduly na obvode monitora Class 2 pre dátovú komunikáciu počas prevádzky vozidla. Keď modul dostane správu o kritických dát, modul zaznamenáva identifikačné číslo modulu odoslanie správy pre štátne zdravotníctvo sledovanie (Node Alive správy). Pozrite sa na tento kód vo všetkých moduloch. Ten bez tohto kódexu mohlo dôjsť k zlyhaniu.